Downloadable and Custom Backing Tracks
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Don't Get Your Tinsel In A Tangle

Don't Get Your Tinsel In A Tangle

I know it seems a bit early, but there is still time to order custom made backing tracks in time for when the festive period starts. If you need a backing track producing that isn't listed on our website, you have until November 30th to order. After that date we will still be producing tracks, but cannot guarantee they will be ready this side of Christmas. Please email or visit our website Downloadable tracks are of course available 24/7

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We are still uploading backing tracks!!

We are still uploading backing tracks!!

We are still uploading backing tracks!! Just added 100 more tracks to the website and working through the tracks in alphabetical order, so still a fair way to go. Don't forget to contact us if there is a track you require that isn't listed - it might be in our catalogue but not yet listed.

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Music Design Backing Tracks & Audio Production

Music Design Backing Tracks & Audio Production

Music Design Backing Tracks & Audio Production Established in 1983 we can provide you with your complete audio production solution, from backing tracks to broadcast quality masters. Our website concentrates on downloadable backing tracks but if you are interested in our audio production, please contact us at; On the website we have now introduced downloadable tracks, audio samples of each track available to listen to on line and a more competitive price structure for all our tracks. We also provide custom produced backing tracks, so if there is a track you desperately need and it isn't listed, please contact...

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200+ backing tracks uploaded

200+ backing tracks uploaded

Our Nath in the IT department has been working his little socks off sorting out the program for uploading backing tracks on the website - a big thank you to him for all his hard work! We have just uploaded 200+ tracks and ALL track listings now have samples attached, so you can hear what they sound like before you buy. We will be ploughing through the rest over the next few days! Don't forget, if there is a track that you require that isn't listed, please get in touch, we might have it in our archives waiting to be uploaded

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We're still here - not snoozing!

We're still here - not snoozing!

It's been a while since the last update as we've been busy working on other projects. Anyway, we are back uploading our catalogue on to the (not so new) new website. As before, all the tracks listed on the site that don't have samples or links to download yet will be available eventually, if there is something you spot that you want to download, please contact us and we'll sort it out for you

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