Downloadable and Custom Backing Tracks
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Aaaaargh!!! I Can't Find The Backing Track I'm Looking For

Custom Backing Tracks

There are thousands if not millions of backing tracks available on the web, but there is always that one track that you cannot find anywhere - this is where our custom track service comes in. We can produce for you an almost exact replica of any song in any genre including backing vocals if required.

Our standard fee for an average 4 minute custom track is £200 for total exclusivity, however if you would be willing to let us include the track in our listings, for a limited period we will reduce the cost by 50% to £100 (custom tracks can take up to six weeks to complete). Please contact us for prices of tracks with a longer duration.

If this is a service you are interested in please send us your track here or you can use the form below to send us a YouTube link and we will aim to respond within 48 hours (completing the form is not an obligation to purchase)

If you are prepared to wait for your track and don't want to pay the custom track fee, we also accept requests for songs that are not in our library. If we receive enough requests then we will cover the track, click here to find out more


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